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I need help, how can I get food from the pantry?

The pantry is open the second Thursday of every month, from 8:15 to 10:30 AM and from 6:00 to 7:30 PM.

Anyone who needs help is welcome!


To register for the first time:

  1. Bring a photo ID, such as a current driver’s license showing your address in Sleepy Hollow or Tarrytown, or a valid passport from any country.

  2. If you bring a passport, please also bring a piece of mail addressed to you in one of the villages.

  3. Smaller emergency bags of food are available if you do not have the required proof.



  1. Distribution dates may change because of holidays or inclement weather.

  2. Updates are posted on this website and Facebook.

How can I volunteer with the food pantry?

Volunteering is a great way to help others, meet your neighbors, and have fun! We have volunteers of all ages who help every month or occasionally.


Monthly volunteer days/hours

  • Fridays (grocery deliveries): 7:00-10:00 AM

  • Sundays (bag packing): 4:00-6:00 PM

  • Mondays (bag packing): 9:00-11:00 AM & 4-6 PM

  • Tuesdays (bag packing): 9:00-11:00 AM

  • Fridays (bag packing): 9:00-11:00 AM (shifts can vary)

  • Wednesdays (produce deliveries): 7:45-11:00 AM

  • Wednesdays (produce bagging): 4:30-6 & 6-7:30 PM

  • Thursdays (distribution): 7:30 or 8:00-11:00 AM and 5:30-8:00 PM (second Thursday of the month)


Adults (18+)

Every month, we need help unloading deliveries, packing groceries and produce, greeting and checking in clients, and distributing bags of food.


Bilingual Spanish-speaking individuals are in particular need! Learn more and sign up here.


For information about volunteering occasionally with administrative work, please email us at


Youth (12+) and Adults

Younger volunteers can help unload deliveries, shelve groceries, and pack bags to earn community service hours. Learn more and sign up here


Children under 12

We always need help from individuals, schools, and clubs. If you’d like to collect canned food or raise money for the pantry, email us at

How can I donate food to the food pantry?

Donating money to the pantry is the easiest and most cost-effective way to help nourish your neighbors because we buy food in bulk and often at a discount.


Food or diaper drives are always welcome and helpful.


The Pantry always needs:

  • ​Rolled oats or plain oatmeal

  • Shelf-stable milk

  • Peanut butter

  • 2-pound bags of rice

  • Dried or canned beans

  • Pasta

  • Canned tomatoes and tomato paste

  • Cooking oil

  • Canned tuna, chicken, and sardines

  • Diapers (larger sizes are best)

  • Feminine health products

  • Fresh Direct or similar large reusable bags


Please DO NOT donate large packages.


The Pantry cannot accept:

  • Baby food

  • Nutritional supplements

  • Pet food

  • Glass jars

  • Opened packages

  • Expired products.


​For large food or diaper drive donations, please call:

Rich Issacson at (917) 364-8593 to arrange delivery.


Individual donations can be dropped off inside the pantry, at the corner of John and West Elizabeth streets, during the monthly volunteer dates/times (see above).


*** Please do not leave items at the church ***

How can I learn more about the Community Food Pantry?

You are welcome to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings at 8 AM (in person in the social hall above the pantry or via Zoom) throughout the year. We also host an annual meeting in February and twice annual volunteer gatherings. Please e-mail for more specific information or sign up for our newsletter.


We are so grateful to all our volunteers, donors, and community partners for their help. 

*** The Pantry needs Fresh Direct Bags ***

Please drop off clean bags at any times on the West Elizabeth covered porch at the rear of the Pantry.

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